Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Life is Peachy

Oh goodness, where do I even BEGIN! What a crazy crazy few weeks it's been. I just finished my travels and am now in Chiang Mai. Last weekend was spent on an island called Koh Pang-Gnan where they have what's called the "full-moon" party, which is a massive alcohol fest, basically. You get a bucket, which is a bucket about the size of a small sand-bucket (that's what it IS actually), and they fill it with ice, an entire bottle (the mid-sized kind) of alcohol... your choice, you can have Thai whiskey, vodka, tequila... you name it, soda of your choice (if they have it) and/or redbull... and you drink it. SO, basically, it becomes about 20,000 SMASHED people-- most of them attempting to have sex with anything that walks (don't worry, I wasn't one of them...) haha. It was a good time, I drank too much, but now I'm sobering up and starting to feel better (it's almost thursday...) As much fun as I had, I was glad to leave and get a proper shower! mmm.
As I said, I am now in Chiang Mai, and I will start teaching, officially on monday. I have to be in at 7am tomorrow... a lovely little Thai woman offered to show me around the school and everything, which was really nice of her. And then at 8:30 I have to meet with some guy named Norman. I was supposed to meet with the dean of the English department today, but I showed up and he was in Bangkok, which was nice. haha. So, this wonderful woman took me under her wing, and has said she will take care of me and make sure I'm okay. She's lovely. Her name is (you ready for this?) Hu Thai Won. I just kind'a stared at her the first time she said it.. haha. But she's so nice. She's 53 and has 2 sons, 25 & 26 and... I'm glad she was there.
I'm staying at a guest house in Chiang Mai, near the mote which is pretty central. I'm in an almost completely Thai area, which is great cause I'll get to work on my Thai-- which has improved SO much in the past 8 weeks! YAY! The owner's are wonderful and I'm really excited to hang out with them...
Chiang Mai is still the best place on earth, but I don't like being alone. I've been here for 3 full days... alone. I traveled all day Sunday and Monday alone, and I'm just bored and in desperate need of company, but it will come. I was going to put pictures on here, but my computer won't let me... so, again... pictures to come. haha.
Remember, my birthday is in 1.5 weeks! I'll be 22... what the CRAP!