Saturday, March 1, 2008


Wow, I don't know where to start to update you on the past 2 weeks! They've been hectic... I began teaching the full 16 hours a week, which I wish I had been doing the whole time, there has been some confrontation at work, but it's getting better now. And I think that next year, all of the kinks will be out, and things will run smoothly.
The picture of the kids are some of the kids that I'll be teaching next school year! The one in the white shorts, is my FAVORITE! Haha, I think she means to make a peace sign, but her hands are in her sleeves, so it just kind of looks like she has a nub. I love her.

I still go see the monks pretty much everyday, though the last week has been really busy, so I haven't been able to stay as long, which sucks. But this week, my schedule should ease up a bit, and I'll be able to sit with them all afternoon, like I like to do. I love them so much.
I'll start with last wednesday, February 20th. I went to a small school just outside of the city with one of my monks to teach for the day. I was able to take the day off to do this, and it was such an awesome experience. The kids I was teaching were about 11-12, and they actually listened, and participated, and understood. I was able to play the games with them that I can't play with 35 five year olds... I taught them about time, about how to say "half past... " "quarter past..." "Quarter to" and they got it, no problem. Then we reviewed the months, and played some games. It was AMAZING. Afterwards, all of the little girls made me give them my signature... hahaha. And I gave several of them my email address, but I haven't heard from any of them.
The best part of that day was lunch time. I went out on the playground with Phra D, and sat. And this crowd of little girls came over to him and started asking him questions about me, and he said in Thai "ask her", and so they did, and I just sat there and goofed off with like, 12 10-12 year old girls for about half an hour. Then when I got up to leave, two of them grabbed my hands and walked with me all the way back to the class room! It was wonderful! I really wish I could afford to teach at that school, but it just isn't possible. ugh. The classes were so small, like, 25... right now I have almost 40 in each class, and I have 8 classes! AH! I don't have any pictures of that day, because my camera is BROKEN. ugh. But, today, I bought a new one (and it's GORGEOUS) so, I shouldn't have that problem anymore! YAY!
Last Thursday, I got my hair straightened... I know, that picture is extremely flattering. I like it okay, but I feel like it's already starting to go back to normal... it's supposed to last for a year. But that's okay. ha.
The picture of me and my two friends was taken in one of my favorite coffee shops called "Hopf", it's lovely, and they have awesome soy lattes... And the art in it was all done by my friend, Tua, who is absolutely AMAZING. Those girls in the are my loves, Kat and Aynsley. Both lovely lovely Canadians, that I spend most of my free time with... they're awesome. Though, we can't seem to take a very good picture together. Kat has some, but I don't have them yet. You'll be seeing plenty of these girls though, they're my favorites.
I was supposed to go on a trip this weekend, but opted out of it... and I'm kind of glad I did. At the moment, I'm sitting in my room on a Saturday night, by choice. I think I just needed a break from going, because it seems like all I do is go. So I took tonight to just... be Also, the bars are closed anyway because of elections, so it's a good night to be in. I watched hairspray, ate a brownie, and I'm going to bed pretty soon... haha.
I still love Thailand, though my view of it is much less rosey than I think it used to be. I have my motorcycle, I'm constantly busy... I've made some pretty awesome friends, met some really quality folks, and I'm having LOTS of fun.
I will be headed back to the states in 9 days! My flight leaves from Chiang Mai at 10pm on March 11 (that's 10am US, Eastern time)! First I'll fly to Bangkok, then from Bangkok, I will fly to JFK, that flight leaves at 12:05am (so, noon), I'll be arriving at JFK around 6am on March 12th! (so that means I will have been traveling for... 20 hours? Something ridiculous. I am NOT excited about sitting on a plane for that long, let me tell you. BUT, I am so excited about seeing all of my lovely friends and being home for a bit. It's hard to believe that 7 months of my life has flown so fast.
My brother and his wife are expecting on March 30, so, while I'm home, I'll be getting to see my NEICE/ God daughter! How cool is THAT?
Alright, well, though I do never stop, I don't really have THAT much going on. No amazing stories... 'cept that I got a ticket, haha. And the rest, I'll just have to tell you all in PERSON. AHHHHH! Haha... soon, darlins, soon.

Now, it's my bed time! YAY!

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