Friday, June 13, 2008

What if I wanted to break?

Well, I feel like most of this blog has been spent on the positive side of this whole "living abroad thing", and I felt that maybe I should put an honest, raw, "I'm homesick" entry in.. because it happens. A lot of the time, I'm so glad that I'm here, I can see the growth in myself the more I push through this extremely difficult experience, but sometimes I really just...

want to go home. I miss my bed, my comforter. I miss baths. I miss always understanding what people are saying. I miss radio stations. I miss knowing what the food is at a market, or restaurant. I miss hugs. I miss southern accents. I miss my niece and my family. I miss having people that really... really care about me. Honestly, I just miss being comfortable. Completely comfortable. I miss having everything readily accessible. I miss knowing that if I go through a stop light, the likelihood is that I won't get hit... I miss not getting soaked with sweat/rain every time I decide to go somewhere. I miss so much, but I'm trying to remember why I came abroad, and why I have decided to stay for 11 more months... maybe someone could refresh my memory? please.

Hope you're all well! Take care.

1 comment:

gregallbritton said...

hey baby I've always told can do anything you want to do as long as you dont step on anybodys toes so do want makes you happy .love dad .