Things in my neck of the woods have been good! I've had my days where I've been down, and thinking "Paige, why the HELL did you do this?" and then I ask myself... "well, the real question is... would you do it again?" and the answer is always "yes, most DEFINITELY" so, then... what's the problem? and the answer to that one is... me. I am the problem, and now... I'm over it.

On another note: I have my huge exam tomorrow, that I've probably studied for about an hour for... total. So, I'm flipping out a little, but I'm sure I'll be okay (hopefully). I usually do alright, so we'll see. I would like to get an A, and I'm capable of it but I have no motivation. I'm just ready to get up north and play with babies! MAN. I can't WAIT.

Anyway... I'm going to miss the beach dreadfully though. Good thing I have a 3 week stint of beaching before I start work *wooooord*. Okay, I have to study. I love you and miss you all... everyday.

hey donkey use sunblock ,love ya dad
Hi. I just wanted to say hi. :) And see how's you? and yes. How was your exam? Hi :) El fin
Yeah to the sunblock!
But......girl, how'd you get soooo fine!!
So good to see that face.
Love you
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