Thursday, September 13, 2007

well well well. I guess it's about time that I updated this thing huh? So much is happening and so quickly that I"m not really sure where to begin. I'm pretty sure that very very few people bother to read this... they just send me emails asking me to repeat everything, lol, but that's okay.
Well, this week has been awesome! We started teaching, first we observed teachers in action.. monday and tuesday and then on wednesday we taught our first lesson. I think I did really well. I was pretty proud of myself. I made the students laugh, was able, with some difficulty, to communicate my points. The tough thing is that even if I did speak Thai, I wouldn't be able to in the classroom. It's required that we use only english to communicate, which makes things really difficult. Yesterday we had our first Thai lesson in the same format, all in Thai, and I understand now how hard it is to understand what the hell we're saying. haha. But it was helpful, though I already knew what we learned.
I've made some friends, and am laughing quite a bit. I haven't been myself completley, but I'm getting there.
I have a cold that is NO FUN, particularly since several people went out last night, and I couldn't because I was snotting all over the place. (gross). But you can bet that my little butt went to the beach yesterday and laid in the sun (I even used sunscreen!!). Anyway, I'm keeping busy and trying not to get too sick, though it's a tendency of mine. Alright, let me know what's going on with all of you! I miss you!

1 comment:

momma said...

Hey, I read your blog!
And I miss you terribly!