Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Oh, Thai Babies!!!

Well, I guess it's been quite a while since I wrote on this thing, so maybe it's time for an update, eh? Well, I'm living in Chiang Mai and teaching Kindergarten English. So far, things have been kind of slow, I don't really do that much. I'm a 'shadow' to one of the kindgarten teachers, and have been feeling pretty useless... I just watch. Which is good, I've been learning a lot about how to teach young children, and I get lots of hugs, and the kids say good morning to me every morning, and they're all SOOOOO cute, but I just wish I could do my own thing sometimes.
For awhile, the homesickness was REALLY bad (most of my trip, actually...) and I was being a completely different person. Someone I didn't know I was capable of being, and though I have fond memories of the past 3 months, I realize that for most of it, I was a very very different person... I wasn't the person I want to be, nor was I the person that most people KNOW me to be. So, that was hard... but now I'm feeling a LOT more like myself, laughing a lot more, starting to feel comfortable being here. It's starting to feel like home, and that's a good feeling. I'm learning my way around, getting more familiar with the area and such. I rented a motorcycle for a week, and have been driving that around, though I haven't explored as much as I wish I had, I have gone further than I usually would, and hopefully tomorrow before I return it, I'll get to the mall and the grocery store, so I know how to get there without calling a taxi! I'm planning on buying a motorcycle after a couple of paychecks! WHAAAAT!?!??! haha. So cool.
Sunday was what's called "Sports day" for my school, so they rent out this MASSIVE stadium, and they have cheer leaders, and drummers and crazy costumes and... it's INSANE, and they race, they have relay races and 800 meter races and, it's nuts. I thought I was going to hate being there, but it was actually kind'a fun to watch them all... they are SOOOOO fast! It's unreal. I was NEVER fast like that... haha. I was like the slow kid that always got picked last in gym class. But they're ALL fast!
So, as of now, things are going well. I'm learning. I spend a LOT of time alone, which I'm starting to be okay with... I think. I get frustrated all the time because I haven't been trying very hard with my Thai, because it's so hard... and so much easier just to speak English, and speak to English speaking people... which is stupid, because I'm in THAILAND, and I love Thai people, I'm just afraid of looking like a moron, maybe? I don't know.
I got asked to start tutoring two Korean kids this month, which is really exciting... and kind of scary! I've never tutored anyone, so, we'll see how that goes. But, I think it will be good for me! I'll have something to WORK on, and work for. I'm also in charge of the next 2 weeks lesson plans, Winter, and Air. But, I really only have to do 2 lesson plans, because one of them will be handwriting, so I don't have to plan much for that... just make them write a C, and color a car. Anyway, I'm in about knee deep so far. Part of me wishes that I could've just dived in, but maybe taking it slow is better in the long run. It's really given me the opportunity to observe someone that knows what they're doing, and to note things I like about the way she does things... and things I will want to do differently. And that's important. I wouldn't have known where to start... but now, I'm ready to get going on SOMETHING.
I think this week I'll buy a bicycle, because this whole weight loss thing just isn't happening! haha. Thailand has become a lot more "westernized" than it was when I was here before. Actually, I think I just lived in a less touristy area before... I have access to ice cream, starbucks, all of it is like a 10 minute walk away, so naturally, I walk it. haha. But, I will do better, I have to. HAVE to.
Alright, I miss you all, but it doesn't hurt as much anymore, which is good. Write me though? Okay.

1 comment:

momma said...

The babies are adorable! I'm glad the homesickness is better...it's hard sometimes. I am "Paigesick" Christmas won't be like Christmas without you and I cry in the stores at the Christmas song's. I love you honey!