Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Just keeps getting better!

Last night I went to "North Gate" the jazz bar I mentioned before, and the old guy was there... AGAIN. This time, decked out in navy blue spandex. wow. I'm in love. I met Zoe, the girl from NJ that I mentioned that's super cool... I had fun. I was really tired, but not sleepy and wanted to be out, so I went and ended up having a really good time making fun of the very odd collection a jazz bar in Chiang Mai Thailand brings... haha. SO funny. I met a couple of new people, which was fun, and saw 2 50+ year old women doing nasty dancing, and wanted to barf, but couldn't cause it was funny... but weird and gross.
Then after going home early, cause I needed to go to bed, I was hyper so I couldn't sleep... naturally, so I got about 2 hours of sleep... but I'll sleep tonight, I think.

Today we took 300 5 years olds to the Chiang Mai zoo, and I was DREADING it cause I was so so so tired, but then I ended up having a wonderful day. wonderful.

Signs that you've had a good day while living in Thailand:

1. a Thai woman tells you you look thinner, which is a big deal, because Thai people think that all foreigners are obese...
2. Another Thai woman tells you that once your vocabulary gets better, you will sound like a Thai person when you speak Thai because your accent is excellent, and you're good at tones!! (which are SO hard.. SO HARD).
3. You ride on an open bus around a zoo with a really cute little boy in your lap, holding your left hand, while flicking the little girl on his right in the head.
4. you watch a seal show while holding a very tiny little girl, who plays with your ponytail and pokes you in the face.
5. You have another little girl sit in your lap all through the ENTIRE bird show, clapping your hands together, and putting them on her face to hide behind them...
6. A Thai teacher that doesn't speak any English says that You know a lot of Thai... and means it. The translation for what she said was something like "See! You're getting it!" because I figured out how to ask a question without asking someone how to say it... WHAT?
7. You get to take an hour and a half nap before visiting your lover at the gym... haha.
8. Then you have indian food with two very amusing Mormons that you haven't seen in 2 weeks!
9. Then your MOMMMMMMAAA calls! YAY!

good day, good day.

now, sleep, hoping for another one.. hehe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You cheer me up with your funny adventures!
I am glad things are good! You are so strong and determined and I am soooo proud of you.
Next time make the writing bigger...I'm too old for this squinting!
Love you