Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pictures from New Years Eve!!

That's me before I went out... by myself. Then the one below is me, and Bui, and a girl's funny hat.

Above: Bui, Me, Debbie and Barb! I love love love this picture! mmmm.
This guy... haha, He's French... we asked him to take a picture of US, but he didn't quite understand, and turned around and took a picture of himself! hahaha. So funny. (Notice Debbie and I in "photo-pose" position behind him! hahaha. What a great night!

p.s. Today, after I had finished teaching, I picked up one of my favorite little girls, and pretended to steal her... and said in Thai "I'm taking this one home with me!" and all the kids were laughing, and the little girl was giggling and waving, and saying "Bye bye" to all of her classmates. hahaha! It was so cute... I wish I could really steal a few of them. I loooove them... when I don't hate them.
Oh! And also, I was trying to tell a teacher today that a little boy was smart... he's one of the 'bad' ones, that's really hyper and misbehaves a lot, but I SWEAR that he's really smart, though he doesn't seem it. But I couldn't remember the word for smart, so for like 5 minutes we talked about this boy, in Thai trying to figure out what I meant... but because of the little boy I was talking about she thought I was trying to say that he's hyper, and bad and doesn't listen or write or read well, but I was really trying to say that he's smart. So, I said "He thinks well..." hahaha... and then she got it and started CRACKING up and said "no no, he's BEAUTIFUL (because he really is one of the cuuuutest little boys ever) but, not smart... look at him" and she points at him, and he's jumping around on all fours, barking. Of course, I try to argue for the kid, and he's barking. haha... so funny. Bless his little soul. lol.

1 comment:

Allison said...

joo look so preety een dose peekchoors peish. :)

I love the part about the little girl playing w/ ur pony tail and poking your face
that made me laugh out loud. :0