Friday, May 30, 2008

Spilled her coffee, Broke a shoe lace...

Hey guys! Well, today, I had the worst day one could possibly imagine, and it's not even that it was that bad... it was really just the way I TOOK it that was bad. Anyway, I was having the worst morning, teachers were treating me like crap, I've been sick and not sleeping so I didn't handle that well, the kids wouldn't shut up for 2 seconds so that I could teach and then I got yelled at because what I was doing was "too much work" it was 2 COLORING sheets, y'all. Seriously?
Anyway, I was about 2 breaths from walking out, quitting and saying "you know, I tried, but I just can't do it", and as I was standing there, watching all of these 5 year olds that swear they "can't do" anything, write their names in English, and write the alphabet and then connect the dots from A-B-C-D... you get it, I was still thinking "I suck. I suck at this. What the hell am I doing?" A little boy named Yok, one of the smartest kids I have, and cutest, ran up to me, and wrapped his little arms around me (or attempted to, his arms didn't fit around me, cause I'm a massive massive human here... haha) and just held on to me for about 3 minutes.
I'm still not convinced that I can do this. I'm still pretty sure that I'm horrible at it, and the teachers will all be relieved when I split, but Yok convinced me to stay, at least for Monday.
Kids are wonderful... I wish I could've stayed like that. Seeing my teacher looking down so, without words I just run up to her and hug her until she smiles.

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