Monday, June 9, 2008

Sepia toned lovin...

These last few weeks have been a complete blur of FANTASTIC Friday and Saturday nights with people that are growing dearer and dearer to me every minute!

Apart from some turmoil at work, which I'm coping with in the best way I know how, and a cold and weird eye infection thing, things have been pretty darn good! First, let me start with my employment situation: I quit. The friday before last, I was virtually fed up with everything, and then to top it off, one of the older Thai teachers made it evident that she was certain that I could not teach, she yelled at me in front of the students, which made me "lose face", which basically means that none of the kids will respect me anymore, not that they did in the first place. Anyway, I didn't go back that afternoon (I don't have afternoon classes anyway, so it doesn't matter that much), I then over the weekend developed a cold, so Monday I called off... and Tuesday... and Wednesday... and the more I thought about it, the more I dreaded ever going back again. So, Thursday I went in and talked to my AMAZING boss and gave him my letter of resignation. I have been miserable at this job the entire time, just didn't want to admit it.
Now, tomorrow I have an interview at another school teaching first grade, which won't be that different, but I think the work environment as a whole will be much better. It's kind of like my last job was practice for a job that might appreciate me... if I get it. I have to teach 3 more days at Anuubaan Chiang Mai, which I am not looking forward to, but at least I'll get to say goodbye to the teachers that I like and wish I wasn't leaving, I just had to admit to myself that I was unhappy at my job, and now I'm going to move on and it's going to be good for me, I think.

So, on a happier note (and there is a MUCH happier note), LAST weekend, my friend Angie and I did a cooking course that was SO much fun! I now know how to make Tam Kah, Cashew chicken, Panang Curry and Pad Thai (that I burned... lol). It was a BLAST though! And the guy that was teaching us, his name was Prem, was hysterically funny, he kept making the most ridiculous jokes and laughing SO hard at them that, though they weren't funny, you had to laugh at how funny he thought they were. lol. The picture is of us doing what this funny little man, Prem, called "Adventure cooking", which basically means setting things on fire and trying not to burn your arms off...

Yesterday, 5 of my lovely friends and I did something called "The Flight of the Gibbon", which is basically just zip lining through the jungle for 4 hours... it was SOOOO much fun.

At one point, I was going on the biggest one, and freaked out, so I decided I would put my break on, thinking I was going to slam into a tree. This picture was taken RIGHT before "the incident..."

I ended up ALMOST making it to the platform on the other side, and then just drifting right back into the middle! hahahaha. It was so funny... so funny that my friend David felt the need to write a small anecdote describing the scene:

"Paige glided through the cool afternoon far above the lush verdure of northern Thailand. Green was all around her and below her. The pulley holding her tight to the zip-line purred as the oiled wheels raced along the thick cable. As the platform got closer, she felt her speed was too great to make a graceful landing. She put the bamboo brake to the cable and pulled down hard. "Perfect," she thought, "I'll just glide right in." Just as she approached the platform, with the large sweating Thai man hands outstretched, she felt her stomach drop. Her feet came with in an inch of the platform, almost grazing it, before she felt herself come to a complete stop. For a split second she hung there in the air; the wind and the sounds of the jungle fell silent. Then the whirr of the pulley and the sensation of falling backwards. She had missed."

Anyway, I love you and miss you all and hope you're well. Things here are good, apart from the whole work thing, but that will be sorted soon, I hope. x

1 comment:

gregallbritton said...