Wednesday, January 7, 2009

When you're older, you will understand...

"When you're older, you will understand...
then again... maybe you won't"

So, it is a new year!! Happy new year to all of you! I can't believe the changes that 2008 brought in, or how fast it went by. I feel like 2008 just started and BAM! It's over. Insane...
I can't help but think that this time last year, I was just getting my footing in Chiang Mai, and here I am in Little Rock, just as lost as I was in Asia... and even less employed. But that will change, soon, hopefully.
Well, New years eve was a LOT of fun, though I'm pretty sure I pissed quite a few people off... well, you win some, you learn some... I had fun.

With a new year comes resolutions, and most of us have pretty good intentions, those of us that make them. I've never really been one to make them because "I wont' keep it anyway", but this year I decided to try... I'm trying to lose weight (what's new, right? haha.) But I'm also trying to sort myself out, get my pre-reqs sorted so that I can get into the Nursing program at Hopkins that I badly want to get into, find scholarships, and also, to start acting like a girl... haha.
Another resolution is to be nicer to myself, and not as nice to the people that don't deserve it, but that's something I've said I'm going to do for years now and I think I've improved, but I haven't really got it down yet.
Oh, and this summer... I'm buying a motorcycle. And I don't care what anyone says, or who argues with me, it's happening... so suck it up. It'll be great for Baltimore or any city I decide to live in, and then in the winters I'll have my CRV and public transport, so, leave me alone. PLUS, I'm a pro. haha.
Anyway, now I'm just rambling. I'm still single, and I still prefer that. Guys stress me OUT... I've tried dating here and there, and I've decided that I'd rather just be single. Maybe soon someone will change my mind, but for now, I like it this way.

My mom will be here on the 16th! WORD.
Peace out, cub scouts.

1 comment:

momma said...

When you are older, you won't understand anything, cause you won't remember anything!
See you Friday....yeahhhh!