Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hot then cold; Yes then no.

I hate to quote a Katey Perry song, but sometimes I swear that I'm insane. One minute I'm happy, then the next minute, I'm miserable. I attribute it to loneliness... but could the need of a companion REALLY cause these kinds of fluxes in moods? Then, everyone tells me to enjoy being single... and I know that as soon as I do have someone, his moods will effect mine, and that will cause even MORE issues. Oh Heavens.
Could someone tell me why its okay to do one thing and say another? What can't we say what we mean and do what we say? Is it really that hard to follow through. You hear old people talking about how in their day, that a man was only as good as his word... shouldn't that still apply. Now, men are only as good as what? The job they have? The people they choose to spend time with? Their recreational activities? The car they drive? Could someone please tell me why our values have shifted so much? Some people might argue that the feminist movement ruined the balance, maybe it did. I can see either side of that argument; however, would the importance of the male role still be provider if women hadn't fought for their deserved equality? Because, I must say that the amount of women taking on that role, and having to because the men walk out or flake, or decide they "can't commit", is significant to say the least. The amount of mothers raising children without fathers, and the amount of men collecting children like trophies-- proof of their pathetic 'manhood'-- trophies that someone else shines, feeds, clothes and educates.
And the sad thing about this is that our little boys are being taught that this abandonment of responsibility is OKAY. ... so, maybe the feminist movement is to blame, I don't know... but without it, we'd all be screwed.
Basically, I just don't understand why we can't say what we mean, do what we say, and take responsibility for what we do. If you produce a child, take care of it. If you say you'll call, call. If you're man enough to make the promise or do the action, you should be man enough to live up to it.

Now, back to me: I'm in constant transition, it seems; always moving from one thing to the next, and I know that my little soul doesn't handle transition well... but it doesn't handle NOT transitioning well, either. I'm not so sure that it handles ANYTHING well, actually.
I just moved into a new apartment, and I love my apartment, but I would be lying if I said I don't get lonely, because I really really do. I go to sleep lonely and I wake up lonely. I eat lonely, if I eat and I bathe lonely. I watch movies lonely and I play my guitar lonely. Like I said, I love my apartment, but most of the time I just wish there was someone else in it.
I've been working at UAMS for the past 2 months. I'm working on an oncology floor, and I love it. I've learned a lot, though I still have a LOT to learn. I love the people I work with, and my patients are my heart and soul. I actually don't MIND coming to work, which is such a wonderful feeling... it could be because I don't have much of a life outside of work though. Who knows?
I could type all of these deep thoughts, and let you really get a glimpse as to what goes on in my little pea sized brain, but I'll leave that for my own little journal, but I assure you... this is not even an sixteenth of it.

But I will leave this on a question...
How can you fix something when you can't tell is broken on the outside, that you can't pull apart to look at the inside, but you're positive that it just doesn't work the way it should?

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