Monday, October 15, 2007

I won't hesitate...

This picture was taken on the last night of the course, a bunch of us went out and had an ABSOLUTE BLAST... and now...
I finished my certification, and after that had 3 weeks to travel (which I am not on week 2 of) so, for the past week.5 I've been bustling about on islands, seeing the most amazing places ever and hanging out with people that I'm growing to love a great deal. Most days I wake up and can't believe how stinkin' lucky I am to have these experiences... seriously.

So, I'm sure most of you know that I'm a HUGE fan of Jason Mraz... my friends and I have had this obsession with the song called "I'm yours" for about 2.5 years and it reminds me of sooo many things and people and moments. This last week I traveled to Phi Phi island with a group of people from my course and one of the bars that we went to played the song "I'm yours" and NOW my entire group is in LOVE with it. It's funny how such random amazing songs can follow you into so many different experiences. So cool. After a few days on Phi Phi we headed to Krabi, where my friend David and I went Kayaking through mangroves. A Monkey sat ON MY LEG (scariest thing ever). The mangroves were beautiful though, I was in awe the entire time.

After Krabi we headed to a very very remote island called Ko Jum, which was AMAZING. Absolutely beautiful. I rode a motorcycle on the BEACH at sunset (yes, I DROVE it. BAM!) and.. seriously, one of the best things ever. I don't have any pictures of this uploaded yet, but we'll get there. Now we're back in Krabi, and planning on heading to some island to go on this 3 day canoeing thing, but we'll see where the wind takes us. Initially I was traveling with 2 other people, Lisa and David, but now Lisa has buggered off, and I won't see her for awhile, so David and I met up with a group of 4 girls... oh, and we picked up a canadian guy on Phi Phi that's tagging along with us too. So, we've got a pretty solid group, which is nice.

I'm still having a rough time with homesickness... I find that the LESS I get online, the less homesick I get. So, I'm trying to keep my internet time to a minimum, but I thought that I should put an update on here. I miss you all a lot. PLEASE take care, and be in touch.



Melissa said...

a monkey sat on you?! thats fantastic :) I'm glad you're having a blast and I love you and miss you and God continue to bless your socks off!

gregallbritton said...

monkey on your lap ok,monkey on your back,no no no.maybe a sixstring monkey with a wooden ,DAD

Anonymous said...

ohh I LOVE you. And I miss you terribly. I am so happy about the wonderful things you are doing!! That song gives me tingles